Remove Your Shoes
At Blissful we have lockers in both studios and space outside the hot room where you can leave your shoes. Do not put shoes on your yoga mat. Yoga is practiced in bare feet, so take off your socks, too.
Turn Off Your Cell Phone
Or simply don’t bring it into the room! We do provide lockers for your valuables at both studios. If you are concerned with theft, you may carry it (along with your wallet and other valuables) into the studio. But turn it off. Not to vibrate… off! And please honor other's privacy. No pictures in or around the dressing rooms are allowed.
Arrive 5-10 Minutes Early
This allows plenty of time to settle in, get centered, and prepare for practice. Unroll your mat quietly, so as not to disturb students who are already there. Check-in with your mood and begin to let go of outside thoughts and concerns. Lie quietly, or do some gentle warm-up poses.
Don’t Skip Savasana
The final relaxation pose, called Corpse Pose — "Savasana" (shah-VAHS-uh-nuh) in Sanskrit — is vital to your practice. It’s a time for stillness and deep rest that lets your body fully receive the benefits of yoga. If you absolutely must leave early, let your teacher know prior to class and leave quietly before savasana starts. Be sure to allow sufficient time to collect your mat and belongings. If you choose to not participate in savasana please be respectful of your fellow yogis, and save your conversations for outside of the practice room.
Respect the Teacher’s Sequencing
Don’t do your own routine. Let your teacher know about any injuries or conditions (such as pregnancy) that might affect your practice. Your instructor will provide you with appropriate modifications. Otherwise, do not add to or skip poses in the sequence. Trust the process.
Don’t Try to Impress Anyone
Yoga is not a competition. There aren’t any prizes for poses. Your practice will be different every single day. If you reach the full expression of a pose, acknowledge it to yourself, but do not seek rewards for your effort. Attain what you can during your practice, then let it go.
Put Your Props Away After Class
If you’ve used blocks or straps, place them back the way you found them. Fold your blanket; don’t just drop it in a heap. If you borrowed a mat from the studio, wipe it down before replacing it.
Personal Items
At both Blissful Spirits locations, we provide lockers for your valuables and personal items. Please know, if you choose to leave valuables in your car, ie. cell phone, purse, briefcase, etc., they could be stolen. We do not accept responsibility for any lost or stolen items. We also recommend that you do NOT bring those personal items into the hot room, as many classes do fill and those items do take up space unnecessarily. Not to mention that electronic devices don't appreciate the heat and humidity. ​
Respect the Space
Practicing yoga in a group setting creates a sacred, safe zone. Observe silence before, during, and after practice. Allow room for other students to come in. Refrain from unnecessary talking. Never adjust the lights, fans, windows, or thermostat without permission.
Honor Yourself
For your safety, as well as respect for the teacher and other students, do not go to a class that is beyond your current level. Work from where you are, not where you think you should be. Never force to hold or attain a pose. Ask for modifications and practice your moves with control. Remember it’s a practice, not a race.